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International Fine Art
Wednesday, 1 December 2004

Now Playing: H. Claude Pissarro
Topic: Pissarro Legacy
The Pissarro Legacy currently available for sale!
PISSARRO, Camille (1831-1903)
PISSARRO, Hugues Claude (1935)
Daughter Lelile present and active 5th generation of Pissarro Artist
PISSARRO, Lucien (1863-1944)
MANZANA-PISSARRO, Georges (1871-1961)
PISSARRO, Ludovic Rodo (1878-1952)
PICASSO, Pablo (1881-1973)
Also Featuring
MIRO, Joan (1893-1983)
New Addition
UTRILLO, Maurice (1883-1955)
and last but not least
PISSARRO, Felix (1874-1897)

Posted by earlbeecher at 12:34 PM EST
Thursday, 28 October 2004
International Art Inventory Currently Available
Topic: Art Found for acquisition
Affinez l'Art Pour l'Acquisition:
Nous avons le original Giovanni Andrea Sirani, presentation au temple, Circa 1620, (vente en suspens) la peinture definative du Christ par G. DeGregorio 1752, de Murillo l'annonce a la Vierge Mary, La d'Aldo Affortunati (b 1906) 1946 Taverna Spagnola, o'Finaly (1860-1900) le degli Schavoni de Riva et palais Venise de Doges, et d'autres morceaux rares comme de la date aimable de qualite et des themes. En outre, nous avons une collection limitee de Picasso, de Modigliani, de Pissaro et d'affiches francaises Circa 1900 d'opera d'amende.
Art Deco par Tamara de Lempicka.
Cliquetez dessus les liens rapides vers votre gauche pour l'acces a ces images.
La page la est vers le bas lentement beaucoup plus contente pour regarder.

Contact : Earl Beecher 847-885-3545

Pre articles WW2
(WWII) l'Allemand commande des epees, des poignards, le pistolet et des medailles de 1938-42
1. Cristal blanc bleu et bleu en verre venitien (Murano)
2. Les plats en cristal se degagent (circa 1928 de champs de marechal)
3. Verre d'art et figurines antiques de Dresde.
4. Peintures par Aldo Affortunati acquis a Rome avec la galerie originale San Marco Rome 1938 et catalogue 1942 (provenance).
5.Hand Manger Fait de Noel. Circa Italien 1936
6. Lampe de modele de sauterelle de Lalique Saturnella. Circa Paris 1920 (le meme modele dans le musee de Toledo).
effets 7.Personal de Napoleon et d'Ernest Hemingway. Peinture de watercolor de Hemingway intitulee et signee par EH dans les annees 30 de circa de la France. (Vente En suspens)

Pre articles WW1
1. Collection allemande de carte de poteau d'officier naval en chef de Kaisers Wilhelm.
2. Copies allemandes, gravures et petite peinture.
3. 18eme siecle de circa decoratif d'horloges.
4. Plats peints par main decorative
5. Copies assorties/Paintings/reproductions de la periode.
6. Tour des annees 30 traversantes du siecle 1906 : Livres, gravure a l'eau-forte, gravures et copies.
LISTE SPECIALE SN#61623 ; Revolver de service de Webley Scott (anglais) de rebellion de boxeurs en Chine.
Contact : 847-885-3545
Employez mon lien elogieux des prix d'art pour localiser 290.000 artistes enumeres, encheres courantes dans le monde entier et la plupart des prix recents.

Posted by earlbeecher at 11:24 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 28 October 2004 11:26 AM EDT
Monday, 25 October 2004
Hyper Links
Topic: Web Pages
Electronic Art Sales: Our on-line Hours are 10AM to noon CST Mon-Thurs. No commerce on the weekends. We can be reached at the gallery on Saturday Afternoon 847-885-3545
Frequently Asked Questions: (FAQ)

Posted by earlbeecher at 11:44 AM EDT
Saturday, 23 October 2004
Philip II of Spain Doubloons
Topic: Coins and Rare Replicas
Philip II 1598 Doubloon Found at auction
Philip II (1556-1598) inherited from his father, Charles V, the Kingdom of the Two Sicily's and the Duchy of Milan in Italy, Brabant and the possessions in the Netherlands, and the Spanish kingdom and its overseas colonial empire. By then the Spanish Empire had reached its peak. Nevertheless, Philip II, a severe and autocratic person, had a long and troubled reign. Under his intolerant rule, the freedom loving Dutch began a long and bitter struggle for freedom

Salvaging The Coins, England's support for the Protestant Netherlands, Philip, who had been married, 1554 to 1558, to Mary Tudor, Queen of England (1553-58), decided to attack England. His "invincible Armada" suffered in 1588 a crushing defeat in the waters of the English Channel. The destruction of the Armada resulted in the sinking of thousands of Doubloons later salvaged & marked the beginning of a slow but steady downfall of Spain's prestige and power.

During the reigns of Philip II's successors, his son Philip III (1598-1621), and his grandson Philip IV (1621-1665), Spain slumped from her former dominance and entered a long struggle for survival as a world power. Spain suffered also reverse on the battlefields with grave consequences: the loss of Portugal, of the Netherlands and the northern provinces of Spain; and the rebellion in Catalonia and Naples. Neither Philip III nor Philip IV was competent to give the kind of clear direction of which Philip II in his prime had been capable. The fate of Spain was increasingly tied to the progress of its colonial empire in America. One result of the massive infusion of precious metals from the New World into Spain of that period was an unbelievable increase in prices which eventually spread throughout Europe. During this period Spain produced highly interesting coins. The large multiple silver real pieces of 100 or 500 reales, issued in Saragossa during the reigns of Philip III and Philip IV, and the remarkable coins of Philip II

Posted by earlbeecher at 12:04 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 23 October 2004 12:06 PM EDT
Honore Daumier 1872 Print
Topic: French Vintage Art
You wanted an 1872 Daumier print I found you one! le Bon argument it is great!! Daumier, Honore (1808-1879), was a French artist and one of the most influential social critics of the 1800's. Daumier worked mainly in lithography (a type of printmaking), but he also gained recognition for his painting and sculpture. During his life, Daumier was best known for his satirical cartoons and caricatures (satirical portraits). Daumier's works range from light satire to grim realism. Many of his caricatures ridicule middle-class tastes and values. He especially enjoyed attacking doctors and lawyers because he believed they used confusing language and special costumes to conceal their fraudulent practices. Daumier often made small clay sculptures to use as models for his lithographs. One of the best examples of these sculptures is Ratapoil, a caricature of Emperor Napoleon III. This figure appears in several of Daumier's lithographs as a political troublemaker. Many of Daumier's paintings portray the working-class people of Paris. These works include The Third Class Carriage (about 1862) and The Washerwoman (1863). Daumier was born in Marseille and grew up in Paris, where he worked as a lawyer's errand boy. His experiences in the courts and on the streets of Paris gave him insight into the social struggles of the period. While in his 20's, he studied drawing. He later worked as a cartoonist for French political magazines and newspapers. In 1832, he served six months in prison because of a caricature he drew of King Louis Philippe.

In 1830, after learning the still fairly new process of lithography, he began to contribute political cartoons to the anti-government weekly Caricature. He was an ardant Republican and was sentenced to six months' imprisonment in 1832 for his attacks on Louis-Philippe, whom he represented as `Gargantua swallowing bags of gold extorted from the people'. On the suppression of political satire in 1835 he began to work for Charivari and turned to satire of social life, but at the time of the 1848 revolution he returned to political subjects. He is said to have made more than 4,000 lithographs, wishing each time that the one he had just made could be his last. In the last years of his life he was almost blind and was saved from destitution by fellow artist Carot

Posted by earlbeecher at 12:01 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 23 October 2004 12:08 PM EDT
Camile Pissarro
Topic: Vintage & Historic Images
There is an Image available of Pissarro with his entire family painting in the outdoors that is fantastique! FYI...
Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903), was a French impressionist painter. He was the oldest artist of the impressionist movement. Pissarro was also probably the most popular and respected member among the impressionists. He influenced the careers of such artists as Paul Cezanne, Paul Gauguin, and Vincent van Gogh. Pissarro had a modest disposition, which is reflected in his fondness for painting humble rural scenes and landscapes. His short, patchy brushstrokes give vitality to these commonplace scenes. Pissarro's early paintings emphasize dark tones. He gradually began concentrating on lighter colors, especially after he started to paint outdoors in the late 1860's. His pictures show greater concern with details of rural life and work than those of most other impressionists. Pissarro was born on the island of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands.

Posted by earlbeecher at 11:56 AM EDT
International Art Photos
Topic: Art Found for acquisition
You must review the great nudes by Glavin on this site!

Posted by earlbeecher at 11:51 AM EDT
Monday, 6 October 2003
Earls Fine Art
Je tres est interesse dans considere pour la position de Concierge des Beaux Art dans un belle Gallery.

J'a un personnel de tres eclectic et fiabilite qui contribuerait robustement au particulier position vous a ouvert. Pour votre convenance j'a enumere deux toile qui donnera vous un prompt et efficace vue de mes talents et experience.

Doit vous decide que nous devrait deplacer sur avec le, s'il vous plait appel 847-885-3545 ou RSVP utilisation e-mail. Votre consideration est appreciee.

Je vous assure que vous ne verrez pas que l'aime de moi encore.


Earl W. Beecher
Chicago, Illinois 60195

Posted by earlbeecher at 1:27 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 7 October 2003 12:42 PM EDT

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