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International Fine Art
Saturday, 23 October 2004
Camile Pissarro
Topic: Vintage & Historic Images
There is an Image available of Pissarro with his entire family painting in the outdoors that is fantastique! FYI...
Pissarro, Camille (1830-1903), was a French impressionist painter. He was the oldest artist of the impressionist movement. Pissarro was also probably the most popular and respected member among the impressionists. He influenced the careers of such artists as Paul Cezanne, Paul Gauguin, and Vincent van Gogh. Pissarro had a modest disposition, which is reflected in his fondness for painting humble rural scenes and landscapes. His short, patchy brushstrokes give vitality to these commonplace scenes. Pissarro's early paintings emphasize dark tones. He gradually began concentrating on lighter colors, especially after he started to paint outdoors in the late 1860's. His pictures show greater concern with details of rural life and work than those of most other impressionists. Pissarro was born on the island of St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands.

Posted by earlbeecher at 11:56 AM EDT
International Art Photos
Topic: Art Found for acquisition
You must review the great nudes by Glavin on this site!

Posted by earlbeecher at 11:51 AM EDT
Monday, 6 October 2003
Earls Fine Art
Je tres est interesse dans considere pour la position de Concierge des Beaux Art dans un belle Gallery.

J'a un personnel de tres eclectic et fiabilite qui contribuerait robustement au particulier position vous a ouvert. Pour votre convenance j'a enumere deux toile qui donnera vous un prompt et efficace vue de mes talents et experience.

Doit vous decide que nous devrait deplacer sur avec le, s'il vous plait appel 847-885-3545 ou RSVP utilisation e-mail. Votre consideration est appreciee.

Je vous assure que vous ne verrez pas que l'aime de moi encore.


Earl W. Beecher
Chicago, Illinois 60195

Posted by earlbeecher at 1:27 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 7 October 2003 12:42 PM EDT

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